Ch4 Pg150
New page! The peril! The intrigue! The killer robot wolves fueled by the soul of an ice devil! If you like these things, then please support the comic on Patreon!…it’s the only money I make on this, so…yeah, I’m not a good business person 😛
Thanks a lot to all my current patrons! And thanks for reading 🙂
~Laughing~ This not even my final form!!!
I just hope he hasn’t played ‘knifey spoony’ before…
Will she turn into a *gasp* Giant Gnome?!
No, she’s a druid, if I remember the page properly. So she will probably turn into a even larger hyena.
Druids (depending on level) can turn into pretty much any animal…
Yep no matter the Druid’s original size.
you mean a slightly taller naked gnome!
Yup-powered up to a clothes shredding super version of herself!!!
Haha in the first pic Moroz looks like she’s smiling :3