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Moroz and Freya square off against each other. Moroz is (lightly) wounded and poisoned but Freya is missing most of her armour, so neither of them are fighting at full power. On the other hand, Freya may be better prepared for face to face combat. The victor will be decided in the next few pages!
Freya’s sword came out well in this page. I gave it a long handle and a large, heavy pommel so it can be wielded one handed or two. It’s a ‘bastard sword’-the weapon she was trained to use by the elven priests that raised her while all the other ‘pure blood’ elves practiced with long swords. Their idea of a joke perhaps? She’s good with the blade though-weapon focus and weapon specialist ‘bastard sword’-so the joke’s on them I guess 😉
The weapon is a straight up +3 Bastard sword-nothing fancy-just a good honest enchanted blade 😉
Love the fact Moroz’s confidence dropped faster than the ball on New Years, also, Freya’s rear??? I am ALL for it!
Yup 🙂 Freya has some beefy legs going on. All that steam knight training I guess 😉
Dungeons and Dragons, where it takes five minutes to walk five hours, and five hours to fight five minutes
Indeed! I used to play in a game with about 12 players. Each combat round would take about 30 minutes. We used to play all day Sunday in a pub in Maidstone (Kent, UK-‘The Style and Winch’)-combat was slow but it was pretty epic with that many characters-like a small army of champions! We played from LV1 all the way up to LV23-that was a LONG campaign-but very cool 🙂 Forgotten realms. I played a priest of Ilmater.
You did beat people with your fist of course? or were you a pacifist cleric?
NOT a pacifist. I used a heavy mace for the most part. That was back in the days when spells like ‘Bulls Strength’ lasted an hour per level, so I used to spell up quite heavily at the start of each day. I was a bit of a power gamer I’m afraid-but a power gamer with excellent stats 😉
The cleric was a sentient experiment created by a wizard-an artificial human. That back story gave a lot of potential for roleplay and also excused me from having to learn much about the Forgotten Realms setting before we started the game 😉
That is an interesting concept. I like it. Sounds like a character I ran into WoW a while ago, Blood Elf Priest who was a construct.
“Tear down that wall, mrs Moroz”!
A quote there the the chief Magi ‘Ronaldus Raywand’ of the USA (United Spellcasters Amalgamation)