The last of the combatants are finally here-we’re down to the final stretch at last! Super powered werewolf gnoll vs steam knight master( and misc gnome soldiers)! Place yer bets!
Sorry the update was a bit late today-I was playing ‘Firestorm Armada’. Good game! Check it out if you’re interested in a cool fleet action game-
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Thanks for reading! XD
I thought from the ‘back on to the show’ segment that Gorget would get shanked also that gnome on the end panel made me smile a bit “bugger me!” 🙂
Glad I could make you smile. I needed a comment to deflate the pomposity of some of that panels utterances 😉
You’re all too willing to flash us some views of the female cast, but just wondering why you haven’t flashed Goret yet? that flame is just a little bit TOO obedient
Well, I don’t show full frontal too often anyway. I did it once when Freya lost her apron but I’m not sure if I’d do it again(although I may make un-edited versions of those pages available elsewhere :)). Plenty of Goret butt shots to keep most Goret fans happy, but if you want to see more you can do so here-
I wonder if all that manure won’t give Venom a nasty vulnerability to fire 🙂
Maybe-or perhaps a little protection? We shall see 😉