That gnome panel took a long time to do. Remind me not to include a small army of gnomes in the next battle I draw in BTB. Actually the next big fight will be on an even grander scale (lots of undead, lots of goblins and lots of crazy action!), though there will be fewer principle players so I should be able to do it in far fewer pages at least. Fights really do eat pages though-if you do them justice that is. I think if you’re going to have fights they may as well be worthwhile fights rather than just a page or two of random punches 🙂
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Thanks for reading! XD
Love the comic Good sir!
Question: what is Neptunas race anyway? It’s been bothering
me ever since she appeared and if its possible do you know
What her racial traits are?
She’s a salt water Nixie-which is a larger version of a fresh water nixie-a kind of nature sprite. Her kind are able to breath under water and are very resistant to water pressure and the cold. They can also see in the dark so they often make their homes in deep water areas. They are resistant to non magical weapons unless they are cold iron.
Thanks for telling me do you know where I can find a link to the salt water nixie?
I’m afraid I can’t because I made them up ;D I could give you stats for one if you want to run one though 🙂 Here are the stats for a ordinary nixie, though the salt water variety are quite different (bigger and more prone to physical combat)
Nuclear launch detected.
Quick, get in a fridge! Or at least hide behind a big block of magical ice…
So I take it the Lapin is gonna be smoked?
Nah-he’ll be fine. He’s pretty tough and also close to the ground. A least I hope he’ll be fine….
Well, if he isn’t fine, he’s about to be well done.
Rabbit stew anyone? 😉
The requirements for passwords ais getting ridiculous, either that or the definition of ‘weak password’.
Anyways, dat lizard butt doe
Dat lizard butt is there for any who may want it! 😉
lol-just kidding around. It’s been a long day at work and I may have drunk a little too much rum (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it) 🙂
Nope no take backsies! I’ve one Koatek thank you.