Dungeon thief (vote incentive) is sill live! Please vote (blue button above) to help our heroine to steal everything in the room! You can vote once per day-and as usual, the image will be effected as the vote-ometer is filled with the awesome voting might of the ‘By The Book Club’!

If you’d like to help BTB to keep the lights on (and get some cool bonus content for yourself) then you can pledge here- https://www.patreon.com/ByTheBook?u=82791&ty=h

A fellow web comic (one of the few I find the time to read) is having a kickstarter. It’s a great comic and the people that make it are very nice. Take a look if you have the time :)- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/839048152/uberquest-volume-1-journey-into-evyr

Vascarl is down! Looks like it’s time to shout ‘Cobra retreat!’ and get the hell out of there for our diabolical duo! Duo? Wasn’t there three gnolls originally? Where could Yarost have gotten to? Find out soon in BTB!!!