Is Darksoul hiding something? Will Sinfear see through his subterfuge? Find out soon on BTB!
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M-Misstress…Venom? Is that you? Is She Cosplaying? As Demon Venom or its it some elaborate Steam Knight cunning?
i did NOT expect that
Nah-not Venom (she just has similar hair :)).
i was going to say, that Ms Venom must be really dedicated to her goal in life to “Gotta bang them all” thank goodness that was cleared up.
Lol, that one cracked me up! 😀
I hope that when Venom said her partners have to be “adult and consenting” she meant “physically adult”, because it looks like this world is full of Goofys, even among those who have lived for centuries already, so she’d have a really hard time finding someone to bang from each race who behaves like an adult, too. ^^ But then again, she isn’t any better, so what the hell. XD
But it’s interesting that she had to explicitly emphasize “adult and consenting”, because for me it was a given. Have there been lots of E-Mails and comments asking whether she’s a rapist, a pedophile or both or did you (Peter) have her say it as a preventive measure?
Btw: Is there a character gallery somewhere? I am having difficulties remembering all the names. I can barely remember Rath, Kazu and… um… *looks a few pages back* “Professor” Zeen, much less the names of the people in that squad which camped in the Minecraft’ish world or the group which fought the Gnolls (i.e. those Gnolls who are currently disbanded, whatever THEIR names were, I only know their boss is a sewing fiend and that he has an awesome hungry comedy sidekick XD). And vice versa I don’t know what Calico looks like any more. I am so bad with names AND faces. -_-
The gallery doesn’t have to be something with elaborate descriptions (unless you have time), just a pic with the name beneath it would be enough. Preferrably a pic showing their buttocks if they’re female. 😉
I think Venom mentioned that as some people would consider having an intimate relationship with another race as being a bit daring-those are Venom’s rules-must be adult (sexually mature both mentally and physically) and consenting (both old enough and intelligent enough to consent + also willing to consent). These are Venom’s guidelines which she follows when looking for new partners to have fun with. These are the only rules she applies which are set in stone. All other concerns are down to her own personal mood and attraction to a creature.
I put a brief character guide at the start of the chapter-though I do plan to make a dedicated character gallery (eventually)- See link for pages 1-5 of character guide. No an exhaustive list, but most of the important characters (thus far) are present here-
That’s a good code she has. 🙂
And the guides are really nice! Back when I binged the archives I skipped over all the filler, planning on re-reading them eventually (and writing down all the links) and thus I must’ve forgotten that I’ve briefly seen them.
Glad you liked them. Not complete (there are more characters that need entries) but it’s a start. I need to make a page for them here really so people can access them without having to look through the archives.
whelp that wasn’t at all suspicious not one bit nope no suspicious actions or folly’s here no sire none, what so ever who ever even herd of such a thing not me not one bit is it hot in here or just the sexy ladys or maby lava? and what lovely statues did you redecorate recently?? I think i here a dragon calling me BRB <__> <_< *runs out like a mad man*