New page! Bear was doin’ stuff between panels?! That’s very cheeky! Who knows what else she’s been up to. But perhaps our heroes have a few cards left to play? Find out soon in BTB! Sorry for the long[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for tiger
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New page! Dunga and Arjuna seem like they may be out of commission and Drabble struggles to find a way through Bear’s formidable magical defenses! Will Yeshka be able to reload ‘War Bastard’ in time? Will another fighter come to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New page! Saturday page. Ooooh. Very posh. Or very late? I dunno. I lose track. I just roll ’em out as fast as I can. Bear is in a bind but it looks like Olga is helping her out of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
New page! Arjuna uses her can-do goblin attitude and launches herself and Dunga back into the fight-Only to be overwhelmed by erotic pleasure and stunned into insensibility! Can Olga free herself in time to avoid enslavement to the evil gnoll[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…