Work’s going pretty good. This months’ saucy Patreon bonus page is done and page 3 of the next scene is fully drawn and ready to be scanned in, with page 4 begun. Hopefully I’ll have a big buffer in time for May the 4th (lots of pages too ;P) 🙂
A big THANK YOU! to all of my Patrons! You guys really help me to keep making BTB 🙂
If you’d like to help BTB to keep on truckin’ then become a Patron here! –
Please vote every day if you can and thanks for reading! 😀
How many of these question pages are you planning on doing? Because I actually like these.
Thanks-glad you like them 🙂 I think I’ll do about another 3 and then maybe the stats for running Lapan and mountain gnolls-then back to the comic-though I’ll run these as filler again in the future 🙂
Wow… Arjuna was completely destroyed by that ever so rare reverse-friendzoning
poor Arjuna 🙁