Part one of two question segments. Part two this coming Wednesday. Then-the comic will begin again! 😀
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Something about seeing Zeen always makes me that little bit happier..maybe its similar to what happens when people see midgets..
He’s an upbeat little guy 😀
Wow, that was interesting! ^^ Thanks for using some of my questions! I highly doubt that Vaznev is really going to be able to get new gear or, if she does, gear that lasts long. Knowing her creator, painted Tief-buns might be the better option. 🙂
And thanks for answering my “Venom and having children” question by including it in her character profile right on the next page!
What a nice Monday today has become. 🙂
PS: Is the banana pie man knight a reference to something?
Thanks-glad I could make you happy 🙂 Yup-costume battle damage is pretty much mandatory in this comic 😉 The banana pie man thing is what your name caused the addled mind of Zeen to create. I apologize for his freaky nature 😉
No need to apologize, I like it, I just thought I missed some pop culture reference and quick googling didn’t lead to anything. Glad I could make Zeens mind go on a trip. 🙂 I thought of this name when I wanted something silly/crazy for registering at the flakypastry forum (which didn’t work, because they never send activation emails no matter how often I try, but the name stuck to me ever since), so maybe their insanity is contagious.
Btw: I didn’t mean for Vaznev to be completely naked. I thought war paint just loses more and more of its effectiveness the more clothes you wear, so I thought that her current outfit plus warpaint would still be a great improvement. Did I remember this wrong? She could even remove the bandages from her arms and legs, but paint them with an identical pattern, so you wouldn’t have to screw up her style.
Oh yes-you’re right on that. Maybe she’d only conciser it if she could get maximum use out of it 😉
Alright, I give in. 🙂
PS: This is one of the rare and funny instances where a typo actually makes sense. Her clothing is very “concise” indeed and it would have to become even “conciser” to get maximum use out of war-paint. 🙂
So, I’m reading your sentence like this:
Maybe she’d only conciser it (i.e. her clothing) if she could the maximum effect out of it (by getting war-paint). Looks like this was a Freudian slip on your part and deep in your heart you actually want her to have war-paint. 😛
No, I’m not really serious, but this typo was just way too good to pass up.
lol-didn’t notice that 🙂