New page! Yeshka seems to be playing for time with her excellent ability to talk nonsense, but even she can’t deflect Bear forever. Let round two commence!
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Capcom Fighting Games Represent!!!!
Plus Tekken and Mortal Kombat-Though Capcom are the king of fighters. Oh, wait-Isn’t that SNK? 😉
Bear can easily hold the line against Yeshka and Arjuna about full strenght , but she seems to have a lack for mind ^_^”
Time will tell on that. She’s actually not as dangerous a fighter as Pinky but she’s pretty smart. Whether she can keep her cool or not is another matter 😉
I always was more into games like battle ship instead of fighters i did play a fair few but i never wanted to put in the effort to become good enough to play others in them…they also are pretty toxic.
Yeah-I love fighting games for the rosters and the characters and I find them fun but I’ve never been very good at them. I can complete the game on ‘Normal’ mode but I stuggle a bit on hard and wouldn’t stand a chance vs a skilled human opponent 🙂 One of my fave types of game is actually more the side scrolling beat ’em up. I’d love to make a BTB beat ’em up game. ‘Way of the Merciful Hand’-Where you strip your opponents naked rather than killing them 😉 One day, maybe 🙂
Ahh sounds fun side scrollers are fun too though I’m still only so so with them I’ve beaten a few like the megaman zero collection’s but things like the old castlevania are to hard for me I’m afraid oddly enough dark souls and demon souls were easier for me and i don’t struggle with them.