New page! Arjuna is restored! At least that’s one less thing she’ll have to explain to Bork when he eventually awakens. In the meantime more urgent problems must be dealt with-Such as a very dangerous gnoll tactician…
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In all the things going on in this page my mind for some reason keeps going to the fact that the rope knots tied on his torso look like balls attached to rope schlongs. now i don’t know if it was an easter egg to spot or I’m far to depraved but it kind of looks that way to me.
Also I’m very sad that the bunny goblin race is now extinct! T-T
Rath can still transform into his speedy bunny form if he so desires and Zeen still has the spell 😉
Yay! Bunny folk will rise again!
I would tell you that you’re a bit mad, but on closer inspection those ropes are kinda dong-tastic. Freud was right all along….(cut to Freud/astronaut meme- ‘It’s all cocks? It always has been’).
Honestly id accept the madness claim right abought now though im glad you can see it too.
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy new year! 😀
Well ! Bear is teaching you , Arjuna : you should listen . No one of the goblins have noticed Bear has “revealed” her weakness ^_^
The dreaded ‘Bear hug’ XD
Yay, Arjuna is back to normal. For a while, with so many characters turned. I was getting concerned that this was being lest of a d&d comic and more of a furry one…
I don’t have a problem with that. Then problem I had was many of the characters be turned into ones.
Yup. I like the animal people but variety is good to have 🙂