New page! The battle of the Bear rages on! I’ve been trying to curb the lewder stuff a bit in the main comic, but this page came out pretty naughty. I considered censoring stuff and making the uncut version a Patreon exclusive but I couldn’t quite bring myself to do it this time. Sometimes you gotta let your banner fly! 😀
Please back me on Patreon if you can. I know times are tough , but if you can spare a buck a month I’d be most grateful 🙂 It makes a massive difference and allows me to keep contributing to the good fight against the total corporate control of the internet and the entertainment industry! Rage against the grey sludge! Patreon-
I have a Ko-Fi now, so if you’re feeling overburdened with gold and wish to aid a humble ‘artist’ in his battle against the grey sludge of corporate controlled media/not spending most of his time drawing butts then please chuck me a buck or two!-
Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my ‘By The Book Club’ 🙂
Ok i must now make a villain in my Pathfinder game and i must have him shout out Loin Lewdening Lightning Lambastation as a attack sadly only half the party wear clothing so…
It’s hard to lewd loins when lewdity is already achieved XD Your game sounds like fun! 😀
it is actually. my players consist of a exhibitionist succubus bard, a doppelganger/mimic sorcerer that shape shifts clothing and thus is technically nude, a skeletal lich wizard and a dragonborn monk.
If we weren’t already a year into the campaign id love to invite you to the game T-T