New page! What’s with the page number? It jumped up! I just decided to start using the total page number rather than the chapter page number. Don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything 😉 Nearly at 900 pages! Wooh!
If you can afford to and you’d like some bonus content then please consider backing me on Patreon. Those Patreon dollars buy me the time I need to make the comic-It really does make a massive difference 🙂 Thanks for reading! 😀
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A big THANK YOU! to all my existing Patrons. I get to spend more time drawing thanks to you (and I really like to draw) 😀
Ahah! They never suspected her to use MATH to her advantage!!
It’s not always about big muscles and earth shattering magic 😉
Who wants to take bets that the orbs do something lewd? Any takers at all 😉
No way! I can’t do lewd stuff. I’d lose my advertisers and corporate sponsors 😉
Uh, hey Peter. I believe you got the page number wrong. It should be 285, not 877.
Peter explained that in the page post. He’s going by total page numbers instead of page number in a chapter now. 🙂
Yes, that is correct 😀
WOW , a mathematician inquisitor 0_o
Seems that miss Frankenstein doesn’t enjoy pokes on breasts ^_^”
Yeah, Boneyem seems to have lost a few hit points for some reason… 😉