New page! The stern Inquisitor Mambassa does her best to break free from her shackles while Lady Tetra unleashes magnetic mayhem on her underlings! She’s got buns of steel! But luckily only metaphorically 🙂 Also-There’s a new vote pic! So please vote as often as you can 🙂
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A big THANK YOU! to all my existing Patrons. I get to spend more time drawing thanks to you (and I really like to draw) 😀
Orb’s magnet effect to the maximum ; i feel the next : orbs attracts each others and destroys themselves OUPS moment ^_^”
What if i ship Anubia and Ra ? =^_^=
Hmm-You could be right about that-If they’re all super powerful magnets then they might also be attracted to one another…
You can ship whoever you like, Mr Panther! I expect they’d make a cute couple 🙂
Lady Tetra better be careful. Those buns of steel may be metaphorical, but the rather large steel screw right above them isn’t. With the tone of this comic she’s at high risk of being hoisted into a compromising position, much to the amusement of the audience.
Yup-That could be a problem 🙂
See? This is why you should train to not have to rely on weapons or equipment because the moment those get taken away from you, you are screwed. Them Savanah Gnolls with that warpaint got the right idea. Get a monk with that warpaint and you got an unstoppable warrior right there.
As long as they don’t get grabbed by some sort of magically animated washing machine or many tentacled ‘cleanliness golem’. Hmm…now I’m getting ideas. Naughty ideas XD
Yes, tentacles would likely be great at getting into “tight spaces” for a very “thorough cleaning”
I love the idea of BTB and a lot of the early stuff is really fun, but personally it feels like nothing but sex and nudity jokes now, and it has been that way for a while.
The art and characters are great but for me the writing is getting boring and repetitive. I mean no offense by this and want you to know it is just my opinion. But this just feels much more low brow and weaker than the earlier stuff.
That’s okay-You’re entitled to your opinion 😀
Yeah, I’m sometimes a bit worried that I include too much sexy content vs the adventure and humour. I try to include it as part of the battles rather than having a sex scene just for the sake of it. I just tend to have enemies being defeated via losing their gear rather than being beaten up or sliced into bloody chunks (which would be more acceptable in our society I suppose ;)). It can be hard to keep track of how much of that sort of thing I’ve included though. When you’re working on a page for the best part of a week it doesn’t seem like that much vs a person coming in and reading that page (along with a bunch of other pages) in the space of a few minutes.
I’ll take on board your input of course. Part of the reason it’s the way it is now is that the people that like the sexy content have been vocal about it. When I’ve done it they’ve said ‘Thanks, I love this’ and they have asked for more of the same and less censorship. That’s not the only reason of course. I like drawing the sexy stuff too. I’m certainly not just saying ‘Thet made me do it’. It’s more ‘They gave me the confidence to do what I wanted to do anyway’.
The story is still there and the character depth and motivations are still there. I just include more sex and show more of what’s going on. A lot of other comics will include similar situations but will simply cover up what’s going on. I decided not to do that anymore. The comic is not for kids. There’s a LOT of content out there that does not include sexy situations or at the very least makes them pretty tame (primarily because they want to make more money from advertising and the like), so I think comics like this one can and should exist.
Sex and erotica can seem jarring, but I think this is in part to to the unbiquity of sanitised entertainment that is designed to appeal to the broadest audience possible so that revenue can be maximised. We’re used to no nudity, no genitals on animals and no sex (though a bit of violence is okay-Even in things aimed at kids). As a result any content that includes sex is often viewed as ‘low brow’ or lesser.
I’m trying to make something that excites people and gives them a story they won’t see elsewhere. I know by including the stuff I do (full nudity, anthro/monster characters etc) I will have a smaller readership than if I made something more generic or closer in insperation to most modern media, but I’d rather make something that a few people love than something that nobody really cares about, and for me the erotic side is part of the appeal. That’s the sort of comic I want to read, so that’s what I’ve been making. That may not be the best approach. I might well be better off just trying to ape what I’ve seen before and follow trends towards what’s popular right now, but I don’t really want to do that 🙂
The story and depth is still there. At least I think it is. I suppose I can’t really say that, since I’m the author. Sometimes you lose sight of these things due to the daily grind of making the pages. What I would say is that some people struggle to see story and character when erotic content is also there as they are not used to it and find it distracting and they ARE used to dismissing anything erotic out of hand without giving it a chance. I don’t know if this observation applies to you. I also don’t think less of people who do this. Erotica is not everyone’s cup of tea, so it’s totally fine if you don’t like it. That’s my point of view anyway.
There is also the opposite problem to the ‘It takes me a week to make but it takes the reader a minute to read-So they get an overdose of it’-Which is that some events can seem like they are dragging on when you get only 6 pages or so per month. I had complaints in the battle of Cliff’s Edge, I got complaints in the battle at Gubkin (Heroes vs cultists) and I’ve had complaints at various other times that things were ‘dragging on’. I can’t really do much about that. Comics take a long time to make 🙂
I get that there has been a lot of embarrassment and stripping stuff recently, but that’s because I really enjoy that stuff. As I said, I tend to use it instead of more traditional violence. Instead of everyone punching each other or blowing one another to pieces like they might in Dragonball, they get their armour sliced away or their robes burnt off. Try to look on that as an alternative way of expressing who’s winning the battle rather than just being gratuitous erotica. I can see where you’re coming from about that side of things, but it’s what I love. It might be good for me to push the story forward a bit more (I’ll admit that I do sometimes get distracted by sexy scenarios that don’t really push things along as fast as they might). Hopefully you can look beyond that and still enjoy the story and characters 🙂 I promise there are some good story beats in the pipeline. I’ve just gotta get there 😉
I respect your opinion and will think about what you said. Thanks for the input 🙂
I in no way am saying sex is bad. but it is easy (Relatively) and a US audience can be . . . . prudish when it comes to sex and nudity, but perfectly fine with gore. I personally am glad that there isn’t gore. But sex and gore share a similar visceral response, an exciting shock that make them simple attractors. finding creative ways outside those baser actions to retain attention can be difficult because 1. Sex and violence sell. and 2. they are easy. most of the other stuff is ground you can only get away with treading over once in a while. but those two many people will eat it up no matter how much you tread it. think of it like the difference between Hustler and Playboy. Hustler has no real content but sex, but it keeps selling even though it’s camera work and actors are of the poorest quality. Because it’s raw sex and sex sells. While Playboy is tactful artful and tasteful and actually never has sex in it but sells on different strengths. playboy is the harder to produce, but the more memorable of the two. the owner and the women are celebrities because of their quality and approach. But they are still sexual content. so they limit themselves to a select viewership.
Fair enough 🙂 I have thought about what you said and while I don’t intend to reduce the sexual content (as a number of other people said they’d prefer more of it and less censorship and I feel the same way) I will try a bit harder to avoid the temptation of going off into sexy scenarios that don’t really go anywhere and I’ll try a bit harder to stay on target and move the plot forward 🙂
Execution is key of course, but for me I think you can have explicit sexual content and also have a good story and characters. There are thousands of comics out there that have an okay story and characters but they either have no erotic content at all (which is fine) or the stuff the do have is more of a tease and they never quite give you ‘the full monty’. Likewise there’s actual porn-Almost all of which is lacking in a satisfying story or characters depth (which to me diminishes the value of the material as erotica-As it’s far less sexy if you don’t really care about the characters).
I don’t want this comic to be just about the sex and I know there’s a danger of people not really reading properly or engaging with it when I include sexual content, but I still want to try-As I feel like that sort of thing is relatively rare (at least within the vast sea of entertainment options out there).
As far as sex selling, I don’t know if that’s as true as people think. It can be useful for grabbing attention in the short term, but most really big, successful stuff out there is squeeky clean. It’s the Disnified, designed by commity stuff that you can take your family to see and buy the toys and lunch boxes for afterwards that makes the big bucks. It’s the stuff that advertisers will pay to be associated with. Some of that stuff is great. A lot of it isn’t. A lot of the very average, sex free stuff still makes a lot of money(often regardless of quality).
Making quality content that also includes erotica is difficult. A lot of people will ignore the non-sex related elements of what you do-Whether it’s because they only like the sexy stuff (and so don’t pay attention to other aspects) or for the opposite reason(they hate lewd stuff and so dismiss anything else you do). To say ‘sex is easy’ is kind of reductive. Sex is like anything. It’s hard to do well. And unlike many other things it’s very hard to make people notice that you might be doing other things too (like jokes and an ongoing story and what have you). In some ways, sex is even harder because it’s so specific a lot of the time. One person’s favourite kink will leave another person cold.
I’d love to see a time where we can have erotic content in a story and people can just enjoy the story without being distracted one way or the other. I think they manage that in European comics and in Manga, but in other areas of the world a lot of people just can’t deal with erotic content. They either go berserk and indulge in constant hardcore pornography or they piously eschew any content that is even remotely lewd. I’d like to think we CAN have fun stories that have sexual content and nudity in them though. I want to try to help that happen. I’ll probably fail, but I want to try.
I don’t include the sexy stuff as a quick and easy way to grab readers. In many ways I think I could build a bigger fan base without the sexy stuff. It was a creative choice for me because I like reading sexy comics and I also enjoy drawing them.
Feel free to comment again-It’s hard to get across in text, but I have no ill will towards you or your opinion. It’s very useful to get feedback like this and this sort of conversation is good for snapping me out of a rut I might have fallen into without even noticing-Or at the very least making me think a bit harder about what I’m doing and why 🙂
If I may, I do have something to say. I do uderstand where Gyopsie is coming from here and I can kinda agree that the comic does have more and more nudity involved. As someone who read from the beginning and has been reading since I can say that I still like the characters and the story, maybe it might be more jarring for people who are newer or even for some of the older people who were more invested in the original styling. I would think that maybe a bit of pacing of the lewdity would be nice as like I felt with games like DOOM, after the first few glory kills it just gets dull and uninteresting I suppose as you more or less get jaded to it. I am not saying that is how I feel with this, it is just an example.
I understand that you have a lot of things you gotta do and can be sorta all over the place (considering you seem to be doing like twenty things at once all involving some sort of art). But I think maybe a solution is to show some sort of violence or actual damage to some of the characters as to show that yes, they are actually in danger. Of course not going full on blood guts and gore, but showing some scrapes, cuts, or bruises might help lighten the load of it all just being bare chested and pantless nudity and lewdity? I dont know I am just trying to help come up with suggestions. Either way, I can see where Gyopsie is coming from and understand their point of view, in either case, I am still gonna read the comic cause it is something I find interesting and funny to read.
Yes, I know what you mean. It’s as I mentioned in my above comment perhaps-That when I make a page takes almost a whole week to produce sometimes, so by the time I’m ready to go on to the next page I’m also ready to draw more nudity. If you’re reading it on the other hand I can see how you might think ‘Oh, another stripping scene. Here we go again’ as you consume multiple pages or even scenes in one go. I agree there’s also the danger of becoming numb to it.
As I also stated above, the sex and nudity side of things won’t be the sole focus of the comic. Although I do have my own plans and ideas I am also influenced by the readers and this is the first time in a long time that anyone has been against the erotic content (quite recently I had a lot of feedback from a number of readers asking for more nudity and an end to censorship).
Variety is a good thing though. That’s definitely true. I should try to avoid the temptation of making every encounter about the sexy battle damage and embarrassing situations I suppose(even though I like those situations). You can have too much of a good thing 🙂
I have events coming up that are not going to be resolved through lewd situations. Fights that will be more violent and quite a large battle that will tip the balance of power in the world.
I think I’ve just hit a vein of lewd right now-But don’t worry. That’s not all the comic will be forever.That was never the plan. It can seem that way I suppose (just as in the past some readers thought the ongoing battles would go on forever). The other two pillars of action/adventure and humour will get attention too (though I have tried to include those elements within the recent scenes alomgside the wardrobe malfunctions and sexy battle damage) 🙂
Yeah, in any case like I said, I am still gonna continue reading and I will be excited and eager to see where this goes and to see all the goofy misadventures ^^
I think the sexy stuff is fine especially when it’s against the minions and such, but major important battles should try to lean toward the more serious. The fight with Galanesh would have lost something if we hadn’t seen him basically obliterate Sir Raven. I wouldn’t be against the sexy stuff in the larger battles either but definitely when the situation is serious or such I’d ease away from it.