New page! The mighty Inquisitor Mabassa removes the threat of the fiendish orbs and the fiendish (though funky) Boneyem at a stroke! Will our trio of titanic troopers trounce the titular terrors of tartarus?! Will Mambassa crush them in combat, or simply sentence them to ten years in the iso cubes?! Find out soon in BTB!
I WANT to publish the next page on Wednesday but given my current production schedule I feel like I won’t make it. I’ll try at any rate. If not I’ll do a couple of double weeks after that 🙂
If you can afford to and you’d like some bonus content then please consider backing me on Patreon. Those Patreon dollars buy me the time I need to make the comic-It really does make a massive difference 🙂 Thanks for reading! 😀
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A big THANK YOU! to all my existing Patrons. I get to spend more time drawing thanks to you (and I really like to draw) 😀
Oh the references, she must be an active movie goer ^^. Also Ra Sputin had a bit of a misspeak there (minor misspelling, but hey, she might be a bit flustered ^^)
That’s more down to the author being exhausted XD I’ll fix it.
“Fools! I will destroy you all! Ask me how!”
Ouch… Looks like Boneyem couldn’t take Mambassa’s ball handling skills. Now that he’s brought the hammer down on him, what does she have in store for the rest of the villains? And where exactly has that piece of “equipment” that Tetra lost gotten off to? It really isn’t the kind of thing you want to show up (or in) somewhere it wasn’t expected.
*She’s not he’s. I guess I made myself into another example of why you shouldn’t try to be witty when tired.
It brings a whole new meaning to ‘breaking his balls’ 😛 Tetra’s special equipment may be gone for good-Although you never quite know where something like that might turn up next 😉
A chain reaction ?? But diana Ross isn’t around ^_^”
Mambassa says she prefers ‘I will Survive’ , but that could be a cover story 🙂
This comic is puuuure gold
I’m glad you’re enjoying it 🙂