New page! Goret-That devil in a skirt dazzels the enemy with his dreaded dangly thing and his awesome power! Will numbers be enough to overwhelm this amorous adonis? Either way, this battle is reaching its’ conclusion soon…
Sorry for the lateness once again. I was slowed down a bit by outside matters, but hopefully I’ll be able to get back on track again soon. Maybe I’ll allow myself a brief intermission before the end of the year? I haven’t had one of those in ages 🙂
Next page will be out on Saturday 🙂
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Ok, show of hands here. How many people thought that the roo girl was actually a dude when she was introduced? And let’s be honest about it.
I was going to have a minor gag about that soon where Goret things she’s a dude XD
For my part , it’s not the first comic where a girl covers her breasts with bands to flat it and seem as a guy ^_^”
Funny part is, had we been paying closer attention to Hoppy, we would have realized it before this page. Traditional “feminine” eye design (longer eye lashes) and the binding tape around her chest.
I thought they both were.
(The minions). We need to attack together!
Isn’t it interesting of how that type of thought pop’s in all minions heads. After they’re getting there ass’s kicked… Although, that thought also pop’s in the heroes heads when they start losing as well. Hmm. Are heroes just minions for a higher power?
Yes, yes they are.
Everyone’s a minion at some point in their lives XD
Ah , Ra the sphinx comes in the fight : their chances to win have lightly increased ……… until Mambasa does her come back ^_^
When Mambassa finds her way back everyone’s in deep trouble 😀
Your not the only one, I to thought Hoppy was a boy as well and not because she is muscular. I would say, but luckily for me. Peter has already put the dialog in the page of why I thought that. A little hint, read what Ra_the_mysterious said.
Oops, I forgot to hit the replay button. JL that was for you.
Darn it, this is what happens when you go into a dungeon you are overleveled for. Absolutely no challenge and no fun…well, I mean possibly the kind of fun people here normally think of but that is a different kinda fun!
Eh-Not every encounter needs to be a fight to the death. Sometimes it’s fun to blast through a few weaker foes. If everything’s always balanced exactly to your level then you may as well stay at level 1 😉 The gnoll (Goret in particular) were fairly confident that this place would be a cake walk for them. Maybe they were right? We shall see 🙂