New page! Goret-That devil in a skirt dazzels the enemy with his dreaded dangly thing and his awesome power! Will numbers be enough to overwhelm this amorous adonis? Either way, this battle is reaching its’ conclusion soon…

Sorry for the lateness once again. I was slowed down a bit by outside matters, but hopefully I’ll be able to get back on track again soon. Maybe I’ll allow myself a brief intermission before the end of the year? I haven’t had one of those in ages 🙂


Next page will be out on Saturday 🙂


New vote pic is live, so please vote every day if you can! Use the blue button in the top left!


If you can afford to and you’d like some bonus content, then please consider backing me on Patreon. Those Patreon dollars buy me the time I need to make the comic-It really does make a massive difference 🙂

