New page! Although the Tanuki god has managed to manifest a physical form, he’s still very weak (at least by god standards) and is also susceptibleto his own aura of embarrassing and sexy mishaps, it would seem. At least he should get some more magical energy out of his own humiliation (though that’s not much consilation if his body gets destroyed-He spent a LOT of energy on making that) 😛
Please back me on Patreon if you can! It makes a massive difference. More backing means more time to work on the comic! 😀
Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂
Hmm… Even though I believe this is much to soon for Tanuki to have a physical body, it’s obviously too late to stop that… But none the less, jeez Peter. You give him a body and immediately put him in a situation where he could lose it. Even if it’s a “temporary one”, you could of given him a chance to get lade and maybe (on purpose or accident) make a few half-breed demigods. Just look at those things between his legs. They’re the size of coconuts.
Yep I second the demigod thing, particularly since I’m now going to hear these lyrics whenever that song now play’s.
Hey-It’s not too late for that. He’s not dead yet 😉
definitely he’s a survivor.
Well !! Sseems that Tanuki god is enjoying a part of his fate the last panel , at least ^_^”
Gotta make the most of the situation I suppose 😉
I mean : as i don’t see the pole above Tanuki , i have to understand he’s impaled on in his tailhole . A situation that he’s not complaining about , apparently ^_^”
Merry Christmas Peter hope you have an epic day!
Thank you very much! You too and Merry Christmas! 😀
voting isn’t showing me the bonus image last couple days… I don’t wanna miss out! lol
Yes-I can’t get Top Web Comics to let me update the image at the moment. Not sure if it’s a problem on their end or something I’m doing wrong (I don’t think it’s me as I’ve done these many times before). I’ve messaged them about it. Waiting for a response. Very frustrating 😛
I see her now! <3
Yup-I found a solution 🙂
Happy new years Peter! may this year bring us ever closer to a full dive D&D game!
Happy New Year! 😀