Rath gets in a cheap shot but proves no match for the Tanuki god in his own realm. I’m torn on whether a person should lean into the gifts they have or fight towards a dream no matter what. The grim reality is that talent exists. Some of us are naturally better at some things than others and no amount of hard work will overcome that. At least in real life. In fantasy hard work can overcome any limits 🙂 Value your gifts and hone them or concentrate on overcoming your weaknesses? Or a mixture of both, perhaps?
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I am not the right person to lecture on talents but i must say that yes some people are more talented in areas than others i never could draw to save my life but was gifted with a ok singing voice. should you waste your skill? i recommend leaning toward it but as I’ve been squandering my talents for my entire life it would be hypocritical
I used to believe that hard work was the only thing that mattered, but talent is certainly a thing. That said, you really need both (and probably a bit of luck) to find fame and fortune-Whatever your talent may be 🙂
Imma miss hunky Tanuki, but lady Tanuki is just as well received.
As for what was stated I can’t really comment on it myself without settling on depressing stuff. Sorry man
The Tanuki god is constantly shifting forms-He may well be hunky again before too long 😉
The training begins!
Oh, for me it is certainly a mix of the two. There’s a diminishing return training your weak points, but in life it’s usually worth picking up the rapid improvement you get at the start. The more areas you train in the more you may come to see the connections between different paths in life. This translates to greater wisdom.
It also depends on what aspects we’re talking about. I can spend time practicing a game I know I won’t ever be good enough to be competitive in because I just find it fun to play. Having a competitive level of talent only matters if there’s a competition you want to win. And although the imposter syndrome is intense when I can look up the best in the world in my career fields online anytime, I’ve come to accept that even your strengths have limits and there is always someone better.
The best teamwork usually comes from a team where everyone specializes in their strength to cover each others weaknesses, and there is just enough cross-training to understand each other better.
The star-crossed type where your dreams are the opposite of your talents is indeed difficult. You may need to take a “work to live” attitude and relegate your dreams to a hobby. If you are fortunate enough to have the time to train your weaknesses so broadly in spite of this, you may find one day that every path in life intersects more closely the further you progress – like starting at various points near the edge of a great circular labyrinth and working your way towards the center. I’m still trying to figure out if there is a center and what it would be.
Hmm-Lots of wisdom there. Life sure is complicated XD
Yes-Those that dream of doing something they’re not gifted in have it tough. I’ve always wanted to be an artist and I have a bit of talent I think, but there are a lot of others out there that are a lot better than I am. Ah well-At least we’re not all being replaced with AI or anything far-fetched like that, right? Right?! XD Further complications to an already complicated situation. The only constant is change. Best just not to worry too much and do what seems right at the time.
Sorry for the wall of text. It’s a topic I think about a lot. You have a point, humans are very adaptable, so trusting your ability to adapt is one way to go.
It’s come up a lot anecdotally in academic circles how many fields of study arrive at some of the same conclusions starting from completely different places and using different methods. When you study different specialties and see this overlap you start to wonder if there’s something that ties them all together. Even with something as simple as your strength and speed example – to be the fastest you need to have the propulsion strength, and you’re not really the strongest unless you have the speed to put some momentum into your blows, so they do the same cross-training for different reasons.
Hahaha Rath is so doing the Melancholy of Elise from the Anime Sexy Commando in the last panel. XDDD
Now he only needs pants and a zipper and he can actually perform the technique.
‘Sexy Commando’? Sounds interesting… 😀
Oh yes, it’s very interesting, and since it was never licensed outside of Japan it’s all available on Youtube. It’s a super chaotic gag Anime. IIRC you told us some months back in the comments that you like these kinds of Anime, right? I forgot the title you mentioned, but it was something about demons, and goofy characters trying to navigate hell or something? I really should’ve written it down, because I watched some clips and I liked it.
The Sexy Commando is a joke martial art that’s invincible because any number of opponents can be defeated if they’re distracted, so the Sexy Commando focuses on teaching good distractions (mostly grossing others out XD).
Yes, I love that sort of Anime. I’ll check that out for sure 😀
The one I mentioned was probably ‘Ghastly Prince Enma-Burning Up’. Prince Enma was a Go Nagai manga (who I’m also a fan of) and there have been various versions which include the more grim-dark original, the much sillier modern anime that I like and also a very naughty alternate version where the characters have been somewhat gender swapped 🙂
Yes, that’s the one, thanks! I knew it was something with Enma, but that wasn’t enough for Google. Definitely won’t forget it again! ^^
Could be sure Rath uses the sexy beam cannon . I don’t know if he’ll be a good learner but the training promise to be funny
He may pick up some useful new skills 😉