New page! Only 31 to go until the big 1000! Perhaps I need to make the pages a bit simpler. I feel like I may be trying to pack a bit much into each page. That said, when you have to wait a whole week for each one you don’t want a page where basically nothing happens. I try to pack a lot of bang into each one. Perhaps I’ll dial things back a bit on the number of panels per page. We shall see. Chances are I won’t be able to resist the urge to jam loads of panels and stuff into the next one 🙂
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Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂
don’t you simply love very rewarding quests… (uhh sir these aren’t the rewards) what do you mean these aren’t the rewards!? if these sights aren’t it then this quest is even better than i thought!!!
The rewards for being a heroic warrior of the gods! XD
ok i know its off topic but I’m running a new pathfinder game and my players shoed some interest in the gnoll warpaint you made. I’ve scrolled through most of the archives but after several hours i failed to find the stats i don’t suppose you happen to have a link to it or a copy i can use in my game. i had it saved to my pc but it appears to have been lost when my last one died.
I had a look and I can’t find it, though I think I may have made rules for it at one point.
Basically it’s a pot of magic paint with a certain number of uses and you gain more protection based on how naked you are. One aplication of paint will last about 24 hours. It can be removed through exceptional situations but will not wash off easily in rain or due to short exposure to water.
Perhaps it would be something along these lines when wearing the paint-
6-8+ points of AC from armour- DR2 vs heat and cold
3-5 points of AC from armour- DR3 vs heat and cold, DR1 vs piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage.
0-2 points of AC from armour and wearing standard clothes- DR4 vs heat and cold, DR2 vs piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage, +1AC
Skimpy costume (such as very small bikini or loincloth) DR5 vs heat and cold, DR3 vs piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage. +3AC
Completely naked other than minor items such as rings or necklaces: DR10 vs heat and cold, DR5 vs piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage. +5AC
Of course, different paints might have different effects (resistance to spells, minor healing factor, resistance to poinson and so on). This was just an example 🙂
I also found stats here-Though her warpaint is slightly different to the one given above and of course uses the best statline as she’s naked enough to benefit from it-
Thank you so much sad to see it vanished but I will play around with the base stats might dr might be to epic with the lv 2 char but a base ac boost with better versions would be nice to plane out if the party is comfortable I know one is a man of culture like us but the other is more normal but is a flesh and blood male so…
Well they don’t have to use it naked. That’s just an option. Whether they take advantage of that option or not is up to them 😉
very true i ran it by them during last nights game and it was well received. i think we will have a very fun campaign together. it will be interesting as I’m using Neverwinter Nights 2’s story and npc’s i altered it to fit pathfinder which isnt hard since it was made for dnd 3.5.
Wow, the year of 1000 pages! I’d probably make a lousy hero because I see the cool-looking bad guys and immediately want to befriend them.
It’s certainly an option. I mean, that’s what Goku did. Yamcha, Tien, Picollo and Vegita all started out as antagonists. Even Pilaf and co plus Frieza have been allies in recent times-So it’s a possibility, give the right circumstances 🙂