New page! Rath finds himself seemingly helpless and at the mercy of a sadistic and vengeful bandit chief! His mighty muscles won’t help here. Luckily for Rath, he’s had to get by without great strength for most of his life. It’s wise not to underestimate his wicked goblin cunning….
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That’s using your head, Rath! Does this foreshadow a more guileful approach per master Tanuki’s instructions?
Yup-Rath tapping into his goblin upbringing. You don’t survive as a weak goblin for 20+ years without having a bit of cunnin’ 😉 ‘We fight with skill and honour. And if that doesn’t work, we cheat!’-Old goblin saying.
OH MY ……. Rath was thinking ? 0_o
How hard to believe it was XD XD
He can think-He just prefers not to (it leads to a sore head if he strains his brain too hard) 🙂
ok I’m impressed that was some quick thinking
He has his moments 😀 Goblin cunnin’ 😉