I’ve decided to post a filler page this Saturday-just to give you all advance warning, This will be important filler-with an audience interaction element to it that relates to the proper intermission I’m planning to have between Ch4 and 5 (which is not far off now)-so please check it out 🙂

Is Venom as dumb as she makes out? Apparently not. Being thought of as smart by others is very nice, but if they think you’re stupid-that gives you quite the edge in a battle of wits 😉 Pompadourne is hoist on his own pet toads. The ironing is delicious! 😉

A big THANK YOU! to all of my Patrons! You guys really help me to keep making BTB 🙂 If you’d like to become a Patron, follow this link- https://www.patreon.com/ByTheBook?ty=h&u=82791

Please vote every day if you can and thanks for reading! 😀