Kazu demonstrates a critical fumble and Zeen paves the way for a consequence free future of magical collateral damage 😉 Phew-made it (just) to the one page per week half of the month-so next update will be Saturday. It seems to be working okay-though it’s still pretty tough. It’s a good balance of progress and allowing the pages a little more time to breath and generate comments (which I always like to get :)).
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Cultist:Oooow! Why’d you do that?
(…all I can say aside from kazu and Zeen being magnificent jerks as usual, is that Rath is no longer a virgin! {…yaaaaaay?})
“Dude, you cant creepily walk up behind someone with a quarterstaff and expect NOT to get hit in the head with the quarterstaff! Besides, your other cult people are tryin’ to murder us!”
(That comment about Rath’s virginity though..youch..)
Cultist: B-But i totally look cool when i do it! it inspires fear into the void stars foes *he whines*
(At least it was techically Kazu that claimed it instead of tentacle mouth over there, though i know a certain goblin gal that will be pissed at her mans first to an orc)
Oh, so in the end Rath’s virginity was taken away by Kazu after all. Who would’ve thought. 😀
Maybe it was vengeance for telling Kazu to “bow” back then.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-wSF3ThdN4 this is the first thing that came to mind with rath
kind of woreyed what she stepped in is it somting that fell out of one of raths holes…. the new ones not a pre existing one lol maybe some dungeon crunch semi digested?
I love that anime! Fun times, fun times ^^
If this counts as pain, despair and suffering then Kazu just filled Rath’s super meter to the max^^