We find ourselves on the bridge of the Galthiern-flagship of the dread lord Varnack. They seem to have a problem with a blood crazed, mouth laser firing giant wolf 🙁
I’m running pretty low on pages so a short intermission may be in the offing at the end of this scene. Not sure what to do with it. I have some background on the dragons of BTB world (or ‘Geopia’ as it’s known to the denizens of that planet)that I may use. Two more pages after this one before that though-just giving you all a heads up 🙂
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The look on Goret’s face in the last panel says it all, “I really screwed the pooch on this one.”
Yup-took him a while to get there but dawn has finally broken on the dim valley that is Goret’s mind 😉
I don’t remember well, but i think there is someone way more powerfull on board than the siblings, no ?
Opportunity to see him/her then.
Oh and i like the gnoll guards.
I bet the one in the 5th panel made “Ooh Mister Goret” a fan fiction.
There are many that are more powerful than the siblings 🙂 The crew you can see are ‘thralls’-low ranked menial workers within the gnoll hierarchy.
That and Goret did say the earring was keyed to “four of us” unless he actually goes so far as to count his Ego as a separate entity.
I’m assuming the fourth is Vascarl, the robowolf. Dead or in pieces, he’s coming with us.
Was that a Robocop line? 🙂 Kudos! Yup-Vascarl’s spirit form will have traveled back to the Galthiern with the others-ready to be put inside a new body 🙂
Makes me wonder if Freya will salvage his old body, and make some cool armor bits out of the void steel.
That may happen 🙂
Oh Goret, I would honestly hate you if it weren’t for moments like this.
He does get himself into some pickles 😉 A lot of characters in stories would not be people you’d want to be friends with in real life, but they do make for a more interesting story. Take Joffrey from ‘Game of Thrones’ for example. Horrible person, but he makes every scene he’s in more interesting to watch 🙂 Not that Goret’s as bad as Joffrey-far from it in fact, but you get what I mean 🙂
And now I picture Goret pondering longly over his big hand getting stuck in a pickle jar. How will he get those pickles without adding glass shards to them?
Hmm-well that has happened on several occasions. The pickles still elude him 🙁