Arjuna! One more and then it’ll be back to normal-so a new page will be coming next Saturday 🙂
Arjuna was a lot easier to do than the others as she’s only level 1. She’s pretty potent for a level 1 goblin barbarian. I reasoned that Yeshka would design her sheet to be as effective as possible, so she gave her as high a str score as she could and a decent Con so she could rage for longer and take more hits. A good dex means she’s got an okay AC (when she’s not raging) and will be a competent ranged attacker if she ever gets a ranged weapon. A mighty bow would be good to take advantage of her strength.
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Arjuna is hefty for a gobbo…. *goes back and peeks at Rath’s weight* Same with Rath and Zeen… I always thought the shorter races were lighter than an average human female. I need to check my other RP sources… did WoW skew the weights of gnomes and gobbs?
Arjuna and Rath are heavier because they are very muscular (they are both about as strong as a low level goblin can be). Maybe I should have made them a bit lighter than this 🙂
there not heavy there battle hardened 😛 but still we do not know maybe there bones are denser than ours *shrugs*
Welp-goblins are much smaller than us but only on -2 str. Rath is definitely denser than most people 😉
Both of the goblins went with higher strength, sounds about right :/