Dungeon thief (vote incentive) is sill live! Please vote (blue button above) to help our heroine to steal everything in the room! You can vote once per day-and as usual, the image will be effected as the vote-ometer is filled[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for moroz
Dungeon thief (vote incentive) is sill live! Please vote (blue button above) to help our heroine to steal everything in the room! You can vote once per day-and as usual, the image will be effected as the vote-ometer is filled[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Gone! Goret and Moroz vanish from the face of the earth-but Yarost too? That seems like a bit of a dangerous idea… Dungeon thief (vote incentive) is sill live! Please vote (blue button above) to help our heroine to steal[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We find ourselves on the bridge of the Galthiern-flagship of the dread lord Varnack. They seem to have a problem with a blood crazed, mouth laser firing giant wolf 🙁 I’m running pretty low on pages so a short intermission[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The comic starts up again on Jan the 30th-just to remind you all. The first scene is done 🙂 2nd scene is under way. More pages than anticipated have already been eaten up but never mind. We’ll get through the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Page 1 of chapter 5! It’s a big chunky super page this time around-just to get the ball rolling 🙂 Please keep on voting to unlock the vote pic-you still have just over one day. The next pic will be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
His mother! Hmm-I see the resemblance I suppose. Doesn’t look like she approves of his choice of friends and it further doesn’t seem like Goret is making much of a defence of himself. I wonder how they’ll get out of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Our anti-heroic trio are freed from their bindings-only to await their fate with trepidation and a good dose of bickering! What will their fate be?! Find out next time in BTB!!!! A big THANK YOU! to all of my Patrons![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What manner of creature indeed, Moroz? Find out soon in BTB!!! A big THANK YOU! to all of my Patrons! You guys really help me to keep making BTB 🙂 If you’d like to help BTB to keep on truckin’[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Goret has a bit of a moment. You think you know a guy…Still, he’s always been pretty flamboyant so I suppose this costume is not entirely unexpected. If you want some sweet BTB prints-then please take a look HERE- https://artists-alley.myshopify.com/[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…