New page day! New incentive this Saturday I hope-haven’t made one yet but I think we’re due a new one. Perhaps I’ll post a preview version of one of the Patreon bonus pieces-speaking of which, check out my Patreon campaign here-

Anything you can give will really help me to keep the comic going. A MASSIVE thank you to all those that have pledged support so far-I try not to judge how successful I am based on the money I make (that’d be too depressing ;)) but that tends to be how our society evaluates things. Being able to make a bit of money off the comic has really been a big help-both In day to day survival, hope for the future and the ability to justify my choices to the people in my life-validation’s the key-so thanks a lot to those who have pledged-every dollar makes a massive difference to me 🙂

I’ll try to keep going with the comic no matter what, but being able to support myself whilst doing so will make things a lot easier.
If I can get the pledge levels to $300 a month the ‘Yeshka+Arjuna vs the tentacle beast’ bonus art will be unlocked (not entirely sure what this’ll be yet but I’m planning to make it quite special).
If just one in 10 readers pledge $3 per month we should make this target easily 🙂

If you can’t pledge I totally understand-just keep on reading the comic and voting and giving me feedback when you can-I appreciate all you guys regardless of pledge levels. Thanks for reading 🙂