New page! Friday the 13th! Spoooooky! The summer hols are all over now so hopefully I can get into a more productive schedule up until Christmas šŸ™‚


This page was perhaps a bit self indulgent (I’ve been trying to push things forward more ) but I think it’s okay to give myself a treat every now and then. A web comic is a marathon-Not a sprint. I’m trying to show some of the Yeshka team’s abilities too so it’s not a total waste of time. It’s world building/character growth! Yeah, let’s go with that šŸ˜‰


What have I been up to? Well, I went to the Tower of London (which was cool|). Just as a tourist. Not as a prisoner (yet). I’ve also been getting into View-Master. Those things are neat! Like a window into another world… No, I wasn’t on drugs. I just happen to have the mind of a simpleton. So far I have 60s Batman, TMNT and Asterix reels.


Please back me on Patreon if you can. I know times are tough , but if you can spare a buck a month Iā€™d be most grateful 🙂 It makes a massive difference 🙂Ā  Patreon-

Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂




