Zeen fan service! Wooh! I know some people will like this 😉 Not sure why he decided to wear his robes as a cape. It just seemed like the right thing to do 😛 Zeen’s an odd fellow I guess-that’s all there is to say.
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… Huh, Zeen must’ve rolled a critical and max damage!
It’s the only way to explain it. Plus; never underestimate the power of knock-off spells… ESPECIALLY from a terrible cereal product!
Those spells are very poorly written-but that’s a good thing as they are super OP as a result 😉
But…. most AOE spells do not have a to hit roll.
This one doesn’t either-the fiery piggies fly unerringly towards a targets’ junk and hams. The cultists thought the spell had missed him when actually it had merely overshot to get a better approach angle 😉
Ah but you do need to roll to make sure the spell goes off, I was taught that and every time in my gaming group. When you roll a critical on casting a spell you treat it as 1 level higher. Love that little house rule, though you don’t necessarily need it for when not in combat
That’s a cool idea 🙂 Did something crazy happen when you rolled a ‘1’? A fumbled spell table might be fun. The spell would still go off but something else might happen as well…Like ‘The creature nearest to the wizard is now wearing a false mustache and a sombrero’ -that sort of thing 😉
Hahaha! When the dreaded 1 was rolled we usually just had it fizzle,maybe even deal half damage to the caster, Though i thought of making a d10 chart to better make things more crazy 🙂
Never heard of that house rule. May have to try it out, maybe come up with a few feats to augment it.
Feats for Miscast? That is love to see! 😀 please share when you create them argentplus!
Also I managed to round up some friends from my group to divide a miscast table. Currently finishing it up 🙂
Its a bit basic i know…
Good work Zeen, that man will never sit again..
Indeed 🙂
do you smell roasted weenies? lol love that guys arms in the last pannel 😀 (looking at that guys heal and ear …. kind of green shaded? is he half ork? or is it dramatic lighting and paints?
All the cultists have that shade of skin-it’s a side effect of the drug they use 🙂