Phew-I seem to come closer and closer to missing the deadline with these pages 😛 Speaking of which, Saturdays’ page might be a bit late-But I’ll do my best to get it done on time 🙂 If it’s not up on Saturday then it should be up by the end of Sunday.
Next Wednesdays’ page will be a special Valantines day pinup piece, so hopefully that’ll give me a chance to get back on track for a while. I may have an intermission in the not too distant future so I can build up a reserve of pages again but I’ll keep things going for as long as I can 🙂
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
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Alice certainly knows how to work with what she’s got! XD
And if Zeen didn’t want to be thrown around, he should have learned some real combat magic!
Indeed 🙂 I just hope he put the ring on in time 😉
hahaha yeaaa…. i thought that it prob would come to this… but it also made me think of this seen in LOTR–ring-toss-the-beards.jpg
love how alice’s bandage is coming off…. and i am cumming up (i am suprised zeen hasent busted a chub at all in this comic yet (guess we havent seen what gets him going yet) tho i wander whats his kink (or at least what is his preferred preferences. like species, glasses, bootys? rath is easy to read if its got tits and ass he is all over it!)
It’s hard to say with Zeen-Reptilain kobolds don’t normally have breasts so he’s probably not all that interested in those. He hasn’t shown any interest in the ‘soft skins’ he hands out with. Maybe we’ll have to wait and see how he reacts to some more reptilian races 🙂
it will be hump at first sight! hehe yea zeen needs a sempi to swoon over (sempi notice meeee, no sempi dose not recognize your existence 🙁 ) or some one to stalk… err… swoon (or just Yandere) … oooh… a sneaky kobald thief/assassin yandere … i wander 😛
So two elitist cultists who preach abstinence and modesty consciously chose a skirt that flips up every time they use their powers? 😀
I still find it really relaxing to read through this battle of goofballs. All the tension is released… um, I mean, the story is relaxing, because there’s no tension even though there’s a battle going on.
I did not expect that woman to have an ass that’s large enough for someone small to sit on. It looks like Rath is giving up his plans from the beginning of BTB and goes for small, fast and sneaky afterall. The advantages are obvious.
I want Rath to use his sexy-beam on the chief of the cultists a bunch of times. 😀 Then he could be the charismatic leader he always wanted to be (you know, because boobs equal charisma XD), but he will never actually leave his house again.
Too bad Zeen can’t cast any more burning hams to deflower these women, but I imagine that their energy bursts could evaporate them in time anyway.
Well, I was always going for more of a ‘Dr Slump’ feel than Dragonball-So silly and sexy will win out over tension I’m afraid 😉
Hmm-Sexy Beam on the leader could be interesting. Rath seems to have forgotten about that for the moment. Maybe he sees it more as a toy than a weapon? 😉
Oooooh, Dr. Slump! That implies Boob-rockets! 😀
In theory, the sexy-beam with its cumulative effect is able to eventually immobilize any opponent (and also humiliate guys like Goret), so it’s just as well that he doesn’t use his weapon in an OP manner.
Tossing kobolds..That seems like a really fast way to get a dagger up your ass :/
Excessive tossing is morally dubious and may effect your eyesight ;P In the UK ‘Tossing’ or ‘Tosser’ means something else. Gives a whole mew meaning to the dwarf tossing scene in LofTR 😉
Makes me think about the PSX game Rock ‘n’ Roll Racing – Red Ashpalt, because it has a weapon called “white dwarf” in it. Makes everyone who touches you explode.