Sat page! I thought it’d be Monday as I don’t normally get a lot done on Sunday due to work. Next page will be Sat(we’re into the one page per week phase again)-so hopefully I can get back on track and not be late for a little while. Patreon bonus art and comic page to do-So I shouldn’t relax too much 🙂
Fighter and rogue flanking is a powerful combo, even though Vitae is more than twice their level. Then again, Leth and Kazu have both taken hits from chanelling so are pretty low on HP. We shall have to wait and see I think. Next up-buff Alice vs buff Mortem 🙂
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
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Is it me, or does Kazu seem..ill call it “happy” about this fight?
Orcs like a good scrap 😉
When you wrote on page 155:
“This scene is getting towards a break-So after this I’ll do a pic or two of another group and then we’ll return to see what Goret and the others are up to beneath the cursed theme park”
I was afraid you’d go to Goret before the climax of this battle, but it looks like you’re being nice to us instead. 🙂
I want to reach a certain point in the fight-not sure if I’d call it the climax but yeah-gotta get to a certain stage before we cut away I think 🙂
Woah, actual combat tactics?? The group has come a long way since they started =)
If you start at the bottom the only way is up. I rarely start at the bottom in my drawings, but the bottom is often a prominent feature… 😉