Phew-Made it! This page was a toughie. I’ve got to start designing less elaborate costumes 🙂 Next page will be Wednesday (hopefully) 🙂
If you can afford to, please back me on Patreon. Two pages every week and a new vote pic every month. That’s the dream. More backing means more time to work on the comic 😉
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
5 dollars says Hathoraz chooses Nero partially for his combat abilities but mostly to mess with Moroz.
You could well be right 🙂
I am happy for Goret that he got chosen first. It appeared that he was chosen for his skills and he did deserve to be put down again after his “flirting attempt”, but occasionally it’s nice when a self-important but likeable character gets some praise. Like when he was in the park and that woman wanted to take pictures of him. 🙂
Only the slightest of fanning of the embers that are Gorets ego will result in an enormous conflagration of pride. Even the most stringent critisism will fail to put out every spark. He is prince Goret! 😀