Bam! Mid week page! Kazu makes a good first impression with a deity. Where IS she though? I want details, damn it!
Valentines day looms and I need a Feb pinup for the vote image. I was thinking of going with Arjuna to be this year’s avatar of Venus but I’m open to suggestions 🙂 So far I think we’ve had Kazu, Tamauran, Vaznev and Vitae.
If you can afford to, please back me on Patreon. Two pages every week and a new vote pic every month. That’s the dream. More backing means more time to work on the comic and bonus art 😉
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
How about Yeshka for this year
I was thinking about that-Although I don’t want to cause over saturation of Yeshka. That said, I haven’t used her in a vote pic for AGES 🙂
Why not all of them? Giggity.
A Tanuki!!! Does it have big balls?
He has big balls and he cannot lie.
Other spirits may deny.
When a raccoon walks in with a itty bitty waist and round things to your taste
He’s well hung!
They may be covered in fluff
But you notice that fluff is stuffed! I’ll stop there… 😛
*claps* Well done not going to say otherwise.
*claps* Well done, not going to lie about that.
My thoughts throughout all the other panels were somewhere along the lines of:
“Oh, a god who was sealed away long ago, insists they were unjustly sealed, and is offering someone to help fix all their problems in a moment of crisis if they free them…… yeah, clearly this is someone who is completely trustworthy and it would not be a bad idea to free them”
In the last panel however my thoughts were closer to:
“Awwwwwww, wook at the cute widdle god!”
That’s how they get you, Tendo Two! Even Cthulu is not beneath using the old ‘cute eye mind trick’ –