Blammo! New page. Next page will be Sat. After that we’ll be on two pages per week again for a couple of weeks. I imagine Moroz screaming her dialogue in the style of ‘The Monarch’ in this page for some reason (the screamy bits anyway). The Monarch does some of the best angry villain speeches 🙂
If you can afford to, please back me on Patreon. More backing means more time to work on the comic and bonus art 😉
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
Looks like Moroz is going to have to finish the dungeon in the nude now unless she has a back-up suit
Yup 🙂
Not that we are complaining.
I keep changing my mind on whether she should find something else or just be nude for the rest of the dungeon 🙂
As long as it is as form fitting as her last, I do not think most of us will mind.
C’mon, you can’t expect to take out a boss with a single spell. Even if you do, the DM will lie about it’s HP.
lol-As a DM I MIGHT lie about HP-Though I’d probably let the player have their moment to shine. Especially if they used a very powerful ability and the enemy was not the big bad of the dungeon. Gotta let all the players shine in the final encounter 😉
Oh, making the fight just difficult enough to challenge players… Still haven’t mastered the art. I usually tend to make them way too hard. One time I even had to actually rewind time and nerf the bandits, because they wiped out 80% of the party on a first turn. They weren’t supposed to, I just screwed up the numbers
We’ve all been there 😀 I once threw a bear at the party without really looking at the stats. They were level 3 so I assumed they’d be able to handle an ordinary brown bear. Nope. Turns out a brown bear is a fluffy murder machine. Always check the stats! XD
I will never tire of hearing a brown bear being referred to as a “fluffy murder machine”. Just remember one other thing, a ordinary house cat can kill a basic human (no classes) in one turn.
That’s a very silly game mechanic (but I like it!). I tend to give my NPCs about 7-8 HP in the case of your average adult peasant. Weaker individuals (children and the elderly etc) will have less. Makes house cats and the like slightly less terrifying for people that are not seasoned adventurers 😉