New page! I have a lot of admin to sort out this month (including the dreaded tax returns) plus there’s holiday related family stuff, so just a heads up that I’ll be sticking to a steady one page per week (plus Patreon bonus content) this month rather than my usual six pages per month. I won’t be stopping work, but I’ll be slowing down a bit, which is kind of like a holiday I guess? 🙂 I might even be able to build up a reserve page? Stranger things have happened 😉


New vote pic is up by the way-So please vote as often as you can! 😀  Thanks for reading! 😀


Thanks a lot to my generous Patrons! You make this possible (or at the very least you let me spend more time working on this than I’d have otherwise 🙂 ). If you’d like to become a Patron and get lots of bonus content, then please follow the link below and sign up. Every dollar makes a big difference 😀





I’ve been streaming on Picarto. I should go to the doctors about that really. No! Shut it! Gotta stop with the dad jokes for long enough to tell you all that you can watch me draw on Picarto if you don’t have anything better to do 🙂 Check it out here-

A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 😀