New page! Kislata and Mambasa get into a row over classes and the nature of power. Pladins were REALLY good in Pathfinder. I mean, they had the same save progression as a Cleric (which is one of the best) and also got to add their Charisma mod to all their saves. Plus they’re immune to fear. Plus they get smite and ‘lay on hands’ and channel energy and spells. And the same BAB, HP and weapon and armour profs as fighters.
5th ed is a lot better balanced and I prefer it overall-Though I’d maybe like a BIT more complexity. They finally made Fighters good in 5th ed-Which is really great 🙂 My Fighter/Rogue hand crossbow user kicks some serious ass! 😀
We are into the 2 page phase of the month again, so the next page should be out on Wednesday. It’s like in ‘Rock’nRoll Racing’ when you finish the lap and your nitros get replenished. We can burn those nitro charges and speed up for a bit. Anyone ever play that game? One of the greats from back in the day :)-
Thanks for voting, everyone-You’ve done an amazing job! Keep at it! 😀 I should have a new vote pic done by Wedneday.
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
Yes, I played RnR racing and also RnR Red Asphalt on the PS1. Both of them were really cool to play.
I think I’m going to need to take an archive dive to understand the current plot again. I forgot which party had which intentions. I remember that the Gnolls were hired by the park owners to investigate the disappearances of guests, but the Gnolls have some ulterior motives and the park owners wanted to sacrifice them to resurrect Mortubera, but it turns out she’s already alive after all, and Lord Dark Soul wants to infiltrate the gang even though they were apparently allies during their last conquest? Or were the Gnolls his slaves? I am confused right now and I blame the sexy butts. 😀
Sexy butts can be pretty confusing XD
The gnolls went to the park on the orders of Cardinal Blanche to meet up with his agent there.
They are posing as adventurers hired to investigate the recent spate of dissapearances amongst guests and staff at the park.
Their true mission is to ressurect Mortubera. Some of the undead they have encountered claim to serve Mortubera and that she is already awake, but the gnolls push on regardless with their mission to asertain the validity of such claims.
Topo and Ratta, as agents of Lord Draksoul have discovered the gnolls’ intentions and now seek to thwart them (although, being outmatched in power must settle for keeping an eye on them and reporting their activities for the time being). Darksoul was allies with the other Dark Lords but decided he didn’t want to share. Thus he’s not keen on Mortubera being restored 🙂 Phew! It IS a bit complicated 😉
Thanks for explaining! 🙂
Sounds like your average day with a paladin in the party
Yup 🙂 I like them more as NPCs that make life difficult for adventurers. I find people that think certain creatures or groups are evil and deserve destruction based on the judgement of a higher being a bit suspect 😉 Detect evil is an ability-But what is that judgement really based on? The opinion of the god in question I suppose? Highly suspect…