I’m running a monk in a 5th ed game of D&D and for flavour I’ve gone with gentleman adventurer and pugilist. I’ve renamed all his class abilities as a result (eg-‘Flurry of blows’ becomes ‘A good sound thrashing’). He just gained an ability called ‘Tanquility’ which means enemies cannot attack him unless they pass a wisdom save. Tranquility didn’t sound right for him. I decided it would more be about the enemies not daring to strike a person of such noble bearing and with such a fine moustache. The new name for the ability is a little long but I think it works. It’s more a short Gilbert and Sullivan-esque verse than a traditional name-
‘Despite their cruel ferocity
There shan’t be an atrocity
It’s plain for every brute to see
My superciliousity’
I made ‘superciliousity’ up-Based on the word ‘spercilious’ 🙂 His other abilities are similarly titled (though the other appellations are generally more concise ;)).
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I’ve been streaming on Picarto. I should go to the doctors about that really. No! Shut it! Gotta stop with the dad jokes for long enough to tell you all that you can watch me draw on Picarto if you don’t have anything better to do 🙂 Check it out here- https://picarto.tv/SpaceGoblinProductions
A big ‘Thank you!’ to all my existing Patrons-you make this possible 🙂
I’m suprised she put up with Goret this long without smacking him upside the head
I guess she’s been too busy 😉
I think it’s time for Goret to roll that d6 again that we talked about ages ago to determine his erection. 😀
Also I find him particularly hilarious on this page, especially that gravity joke. XD
But can’t he jump high enough to grab that orb? Or summon a fire elemental? Do elementals get cancelled as well?
And btw: It’s “hail”, not “hale”. But she does look pretty hale, too. And she might hale Goret to hell if he keeps making these jokes. So, the typo is quite understandable if you hail from somewhere but can hale someone somewhere. I didn’t know hale existed until now.
Also, dad jokes are hilarious:
What’s a guy without arms and legs in the water called? Bob.
He could not summon an elemental but he might be able to grab the orb (if he thought about it enough). Or he could throw something at the orb. Kislata’s staff? Or Kislata? 😉
Thanks for the correction-I’ll get that sorted out 🙂