What is that slippery rascal the Witch Sniffer planning? Will he ride the Nemean away like a magic carpet or has he simply gone mad with pure evil?! Find out soon in BTB!
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Well ; if the bitch sniffer had power or magic spells , he would have used it to fight or leave as soon as Nemean has been beaten . No way for him to escape by carrying her , too ; and it would be REALLY unfair he successes to leave without any damage , especially when he’s surrounded : Rath team , bards team , last villagers from fight with Nemean and their women (if they’ve finished to spank the sisters nuns)
Especially when he begs for mercy when he wasn’t giving it to them before
Kinda thought he’d zoidberg away if they fell for the look behind you thing. He probably has some kind of emergency escape teleport item like Goret did and he’s taking the Nemean with him as she’s some kind of noble and he’d probably get in trouble as team leader if he let her get captured.
That’s a theory ; but i don’t think the sniffer really takes care about Nemean : kind of person to blame his followers for the defeat-fail of mission . I’m sure he plans something with her
You missed my point on that. It’s not that he cares about her, it’s what those who are above him in the Holy League think. He still has bosses to answer to and they won’t take the capture of a noble under his command well. So he’d be rescuing her just to save his own skin from those above him. As he was the leader of that group it doesn’t matter if he blames his underlings, his bosses will likely still hold him accountable. Also I doubt the Nemean Legion would be thrilled with him for getting one of their nobles captured either, so there’s that as well, and from what I gather about Nemeans the WOULD hold him accountable as commander of that mission.
Not missed the point ; but i’m more thinking he has other plans for Nemean than just to calm down his bosses or the lion legate . Wait and see for the next strip ^_^
The sniffer has just to say the “truth” to his boss and such : being they’ve met an opposition and lost the battle . This is too the best way to get a stronger team than he had to continue the mission
Except that the Nemean is also going to be informing the Legion of what happened, and as she said herself ” A Nemean speaks their mind and cannot lie.” Which one do you think they’ll believe first. And the team they sent with him the first time was plenty powerful enough to handle any threats that could have come from a small farming hamlet. You don’t reward incompetence with an even more powerful team.
And I just realized as I finished typing that, that may have been exactly the reason the Nemean Legion send her along. I know she said she was sent to help ensure the stone is used correctly for good purposes, but the Legion may have sent her as a type of observer, to make sure the Holy League could actually be trusted with it.
It’s fine that between Nemean and the sniffer , i’ll believe Nemean …………. But (without to be insistant) , the sniffer hasn’t interest to save her now : she can speak about the torturer , the methods of the members , etc : last panel , and first panel