Is Zeen really all that derpy, or does he have an agenda…? Maybe both (he has a derpy agenda).
JUST made it this time. I don’t want to lower quality or go mad/collapse from exhaustion-SO I’m going to halt normal updates. However, I’ll be trying something different this time(rather than an intermission). I’ll still post pages but I’ll do it once per week for a little while (until I get about 4 pages in the bank).
This is too slow to be a regular thing (in my opinion) but the same speed as a lot of comics normally post at and better than stopping all together. So-next update will be next Saturday and each Saturday for a bit.
The downside to this is that building a reserve will take a lot longer (twice as long) but the plus side is that I won’t have to stop or waste time on filler. Anyway-we’ll see how it works out 🙂
A big THANK YOU! to all of my Patrons! You guys really help me to keep making BTB 🙂
If you’d like to help BTB to keep on truckin’ then become a Patron here! –
Please vote every day if you can and thanks for reading! 😀
Kebab’s is a nice name, so’s Boingo, Allie, Quincey, Bumble, Lena, Dinner, Scuffy and my favorite; Knickerbocker!
Hmm-I like Knickerbocker for the mouse 🙂
its Odd, but its fun to say,and its adorable that’s why i put it on the list 🙂
plus Knickerbockers are also a design for trousers in the 20th century:
Price-gouging, he’s a capitalist all right.
I can now only picture Hemesh in the Resident Evil Trader voice..thanks..
Fits him quite well. That or ‘The Hitcher’ from ‘The Mighty Boosh’- And-
I always find the weirdest and most interesting things coming here. Guess thats why I always come back I suppose..that, and probably Yeshka, she badass.
And Zeen, can never forget about Zeen.
Mighty Boosh is pretty good 🙂 I highly recommend the radio plays if you can get them-very funny. Series 1+2 of the TV show also great 🙂
lets face it he wouldn’t ware pants if he did it×9/960.jpg also what are the names of the bard group? will we get an introduction to them all soon? and lastly FLUFFY BUNNY TAIL!!!
I expect they’ll introduce themselves once they’ve finished filling out their character sheets 😀 Bunny tail FTW! Maybe I leave it on Rath after he’s changed back-just for fun ;D
that would be so adorable when he gets spooked or angry gets all Poof! maybe the spell will have a fine print saying something like those medical commercials were they list the possible problems that can happen like this product may have side effects like whiskers, tails, a love of kale and an urge to eat carrots for no reason, death and hare loss (and yes i did that last one on purpose 😛 )
‘hare loss’-good one 😀
Holy markup! (Sooo, have you thought about implementing Disqus? All of the cool comics are doing it. Here’s the link for WordPress implementations:
Yup-I tried to do it but I just couldn’t get it to work 🙁 I’m not that good with computer stuff and have very little spare time (pretty much none) so after the three hours or so I spent fiddling around with it to no avail I’m not very motivated to try again(any time not spent working on the comic makes me fall behind on production). I need to get somebody that knows what they’re doing to give me a hand with the site really. There are a few things that need fixing. Better commenting, displaying the comics at the correct size, a better archive system for pages and an age warning for the stash. I did ask if anyone knew anything about web design, but unfortunately I had no takers. Need to try again when I get the chance 🙂
I wouldn’t mind another Q&A filler-session. I already have a question to whomever can answer it:
Does the “Control Rodent” spell include Goblins that were turned into Bunnies? And if so: Can Rath be controlled even though he has special powers?
Also I wonder if Goret can become temporarily the most powerful fighter in his group by creating and absorbing fire repeatedly. That is to say: In a reasonable time-frame. And how long does his power-boost last? And why didn’t he ask the mighty fire spirit to power him up instead of just having it hide his enormous Dong? Is the spirit male, female or neutral?
Huh, that became more than one question I guess. They just kept pouring out.
Cool-thanks for the questions. I’ll definitely use these next time I run a Q&A 🙂 That sort of filler is good in some ways as it gives me a chance to quickly flesh out the characters and setting. The down side is that it means the story stops completely and while the filler is quicker to produce than a normal page, it’s still time taken away from page production-which is not ideal. I’ll see how well the ‘one page per week semi-break’ pans out. Posting pages on Saturday, so only a couple of days till you get a shiny new page:D
Hopefully I’ll be back to two pages per week by December 😀
I’m glad to hear that you like my questions. As for story speed: BTB is not really a comic where I care about quick plot development. 😉 The only comic where I care about that (out of the about two dozen I read) is Erfworld, because about half of the updates there are text-updates. So, whenever a lot of dialogue and inner monologues and feelings and thoughts need to be conveyed, we get text, while whenever a scenery or a character’s look needs to be described, a few pictures say more than 1000 words. The perfect combo for my tastes.
But I also like stuff like Q&A sessions, character portfolios, backstories, info about culture etc., because conveying all the fleshing-out in comic form is just so hard to do, and if the characters don’t have to do that through dialogue and can just goof off instead, because all the background info was given in a few text walles already, then that might even be a good thing.
That’s just my opinion, though. I know that a lot of people prefer more comic pages to having the occasional text wall, because I’ve had that discussion already at Not A Villain. I was told that the traffic (and thus the income) decreases vastly whenever any kind of filler happens. Is that true in your case as well?
I’m not sure really. I make very little money from advertising as I send most people to ‘Smack Jeeves’ (since the pages display there at full size and the archive is better there). Patreon is where I make the money (not a lot by most people’s standards, but enough to make a big difference to me :)).
I think people can lose interest in a comic if they come to read it and find walls of text or the same page that was there a few weeks earlier. Missing updates too often can be poison for a web comic. I do try to make the Q&A’s and Race guides useful as well as entertaining though-to make the setting and characters richer and give them more depth 🙂
The main problem with them (other than it maybe putting some people off) is the time. A big slab of text can take the best part of a day to make(half a day at the very least). When you’re doing that twice per week that only leaves 5 days to work on the comic. Add in work and family and so on and it can mean that building the page reserve up again is quite slow.
I like them though-I’ll definitely do more at some point 😉