Double page! This page really killed me but I think it was worth the effort 🙂
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BTB will return soon. In the meantime I will be posting interesting filler. The next scene will be back to the mountain gnoll. I wonder what they’re up to? Not fighting Rath&co-but that’s probably for the best (Goret and chums are a bit out of their league at the moment). Welp-I better get back to work! There is much to do! XD
Patreon’s going pretty well-if I continue to steadily rise I may be able to quit my job and do this full time-which would mean more art for you guys-more Patreon content and lots more free content too, which is the best kind (I like as many people to see my work as possible!). So, if you can afford it, any amount is very much appreciated 🙂
I should really set a target for this. Lets say $1200. If I can reach this then I’ll quit the retail job and devote myself fully to BTB and art. I’ll have to make a little each month from commissions too, but if I can maintain Patreon at roughly that level I should be okay. So if you can (and only if you can-I don’t want you guys to suffer on my account), then please pledge a little 🙂
A big THANK YOU! to all of my existing Patrons! You lot really help me to keep making BTB 🙂
Please vote every day if you can and thanks for reading! 😀
Damn, that’s one creepy party. 0.0 Though I suppose Nemean (? I believe you forgot to tag her, unless that’s the name for the members of her faction or something like that 😉 ) and Mortem seem relatively reasonable. For now.
Yes-Nemean as in a member of the Nemean legion (not her name :)). I tried to get as many names as I could into the page-but hers will have to wait 🙂
Awesome page! The contrast between the winged and walking character designs really highlights the “creepy” factor.
Thanks 😀
so is this what an anti necromancer would look like? ok i hafto post this with this handy night light your kids will never complaine about the monster under the bed or in the closet (because they will be to frighted to enter the room ether) lets face it if the gnoles flew over and saw then they would be like…. lets circle the block a few times till they leave there creepy -_-‘ do love how intricate you were with the baby face army so much character in each and every one of them (wander if the baby heads are converts willing or otherwise?) they dress like (front row) they would belong in a mad max movie down the line lol relay bad ass!
Good lord that light is horrific! I started a Chaos Daemon army a while ago and used some doll heads combined with legs made from wire and modelling putty to use as soul grinders. They were pretty creepy. Doll heads are a good place to go if you want creepy 🙂 They are a little bit ‘Mad Max’ 🙂
“Oh god..its Religious Fanatics! We are so gonna end up like GoT…Bring out the Green Fire! (Or whatever it was called) I aint taking any chances!”
Time for some roast sparrows!
i think these guys are too late to “purge” anything Rath beat them to the punch already with that infernal cereal! xD and it was nice meeting you Rath, you were a good(?) person to follow around all these years.
*takes off headphones in respect*
Rath’s too annoying to go down that easy (or we’re just not that lucky). Besides, if I kill him too soon I can’t torment him anymore 😉
your gaming friends must really hate you, especially when you are the DM eh? ;D
keep up the great work!
I’ll try 🙂
I am curious as to what is under the Nemean’s helm.
with those feet and the helm shape i am thinking gnoll or similar race
The clue may be in the name (if you know your Greek legends ;)).
She is scalie.
oops my mistake, confused Laernean with Nemean. She is leonine under the helmet.