Goret is very naughty! Good thing Moroz was around-who knows where that would have gone. Everybody knows. And actually that would have been quite fun-but this is no time for love, Dr Jones! It’s time for adventure! So tune in next time for more disturbingly tight wolf pants-in BTB!!!
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Thanks for reading! 😀
*sings a parody version of “thats the power of love” by Huey Lewis & the news*
Thats the power of Goret! Eveyone cannot resist his oddly sexy charms!
Don’t need money, don’t take fame, don’t need a credit card to ride this d-…ahem…Well, that got lewd pretty fast-but that’s how Goret rolls.
im still trying to find the fanfics of the cast I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL GorRath, AliKazu and many others are in my LIBRARY! >:(
But in all seriousness, Valentinse Moroz made me listen to Enslaved – Frost again, really suits her in my mind
Good call-I like it! 😀
Thank you, 🙂
lol the fact is he is prob the best ride in the park too bad the ride closed early for the park goers.
i wander how many got to him before she stoped his fun wander if there will be some 1/2 children coming in some future months 😛 (maybe he will meat a lady in a long future panel pushing a stroller with a child that looks familiar. 😀 )
lol-I don’t think he had the time, sadly. Early days yet though 🙂
“OH..erm..good call getting involved..im sure that would have ended..in a few hours somewhere else had you not gotten involved. Oh well, so much for his “bad boy” image…I was almost tempted to let him run off…but its Moroz in charge so..*Shrugs*” Looks like Goret is trying to get in the mood for Valentines day, good on him!
He’s always in a V-day mood. He even has a gift prepared for all the fine ladies in the world. That gift is….himself! (he may be just a touch conceited…).
I am more impressed about the Beauty and the Beast reference
Yes! Well spotted. I’m a big Disney fan so I throw references in every now and then (I think I had Zeen quote from ‘Aladdin’ a while back). Disney is not at all like BTB but I appreciate what they do-so much great talent and hard work goes into those films 🙂
BnB is my favorite Disney movie.
It’s a good film 🙂
The most disturbing part of Goret’s pants is the question:
With this little room, what happens in case of an erection? Will his pants yield or will he be in pain? I know the latter and it’s really not a nice experience. >_< But considering his power level I think his pants don't stand a chance and he will have to summon the flame spirit again.
I don’t know. Since this is a D&D setting his pants should probably make a save or be rent asunder by such an event. That or you could draw up a random chart to roll on with a D6
1-2-The integrity of the cloth holds ‘little Goret’ in check-never allowing the beast to become ‘full mast’. Goret is at -1 on all D20 rolls as he tries to think about un-sexy things to get the situation back under control.
3-4-‘Little Goret’ reaches maximum power but the cloth stretches to accommodate (it’s very stretchy material). All present must make DC20 will saves or counts as ‘shaken’ by the sight. In any locations with a lot of things that could be knocked over at about waist height (a shop or restaurant for example) Goret must make a DC15 Ref save whenever he moves to avoid knocking things over with his flailing member.
5-6-KA-BLOWIE!!! Goret’s pants are exploded and the beast is loose! Effects are as above(result 3-4) but the Will DC is 30 and failure results in stunning (as with the ‘stunning fist monk ability) due to being sickened or fascinated. This lasts for D3+1 rounds-after which any creatures that fail will be shaken for the remainder of the encounter.
Hahahaha, I want to see that happen! 😀 And by “that” I mean “all of it”, in reading order.