New page! So it’s a rescue mission? I hope those captives have life insurance ;P
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Oh ffs, I start talking about Xcom and people start getting abducted…#Nopeimout
I haven’t played that game-though I’ve seen my brother playing it-looks pretty good. Is X-com 2 the one with the sexy snake ladies (my area of expertise is revealed ;P)?
yes yes it is (slither slither sexy) and “thats X-com baby” whats a few abductions between friends any way, when i first saw this movie trailer i thought well…. thats Xcom lol
Fun fact, people were already making their own fan fics and such of the Viper before the game even came out..Wow..
Because unlike you, sexy, sourpuss Moroz. People like fun! ^_^
weather its reading the GoT comics online to watching nostalgic tv to making people icecubes.
Also, this is going to be like the verminqueen arc isnt it *eeeee!*
There certainly are parallels, aren’t there 😉
i am guessing that park growers and staff is bad for business and if you are using a park as a front for shady netherworld business you dont want attention there.
Could be… 😉