New page! Sorry for being so late. That throne room panel took ages! Sometimes I like to push the boat out. Don’t worry, Venom, Meg and Neptunia are not prisoners really-That’s just Goret’s imagination of what his throne room might look like one day. I was thinking about taking a look in on Meg and the others soon but I may save that for the begining of ch6. Not sure. I want to use them again soon, but on the other hand going to another group will slow progress down on the existing threads of the story, so it may be better to wait.
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So , Akinitos will be the first “trophy” on Goret’s wall ; how’s nice for her ……… Fight until the last soldier : classic behaviour from any boss
Yup-She’s his first! He would have liked to have taken Meg and the others, but that fight didn’t go so well…
Yes-There are a lot of high ranked officers and commanders that will oppose the enemy with great vigour-As long as they are in no real danger themselves 😉
Oh-um, Peter. When you mentioned “trophies”. I and maybe others were expecting you know, a harem. Not literally hanging them on the wall. Wall hanging is meant for objects and dead things.
I know Goret is a “bad guy”. But damn.
Well it’s not usually permanent and the ones that are placed on the wall have time magic used on them so they’re frozen in time most of the time (they may be unfrozen for special events or when impotant visitors are present). It’s similar to being displayed in a cage I suppose. Not ideal, but better than being killed (Mountain Gnoll will try to capture impressive enemies rather than kill them where possible). Few mountain gnoll would mount the remains of enemies as A) It’s a bit icky and B) It would indicate that they were not a very skilled warrior (as they had to kill an enemy rather than incapacitating them).
The gnoll will unfreeze these ‘favourite decorations’ (in the words of Jabba The Hutt) every now and then to converse with them and attempt to convince them to join their forces. I would say mountain gnoll are evil, but humans have done things this bad (and far worse) so I guess it’s really down to the individual. Would it be better if the prisoners were turned into stone statues? That’s more or less the same thing. Or would it be better if they were just killed outright?
Is a harem better? The ‘Hareem’ line was the part I was worried about in terms of crossing a ‘too evil’ line-Rather than the ‘look but don’t touch’ nature of the Foe Wall. Ah well-They are an alien culture. I expect they’d find some of the things our real world armies do (but that we don’t really notice as being particularly wrong) as being evil.
I agree woth you humans have fare more destirbing practices. a large percentige would have actualy amputated her unfortunitly if the internet is anything to judge by.
And this example of bad gramar is why you dont type drunk.
Now you’re thinking with portals.
Man, gnoll culture is much weirder than I imagined..if these gnolls are like this, what the hell are the savanah gnolls (if I am correct) like Yeshka like? On top of that…what kinda other things are people doing??
The savana gnoll are way less into martial prowess and showing off than the mountain gnolls. They prefer raiding and banditry to out and out conquest and showing their superiority (although that may be due to the scattered nature of their people since their ancestral homeland was lost to them).
I don’t see this practice as particularly weird. I mean, Mando freezes people in carbonite in ‘The Mandalorean’. This is more or less the same thing. They put them on display here, but that happens to carbonite prisoners too, so… I’m not saying this is a fun thing to happen to you, but compared to other outcomes (killed outright in the battle, captured and tortured, captured and executed in a horrific way such as burning or hung drawn and quartered or broken on the wheel) this practice really isn’t all that horrible. It’s actually pretty gentle compared to how real world humans behave a lot of the time 😉
I mean I didnt say it was horrible, I just said it was weird. I mean this is preferable to most other things, just commenting on the…interesting aspect behind it and the possibilities other races\cultures are like.
Yes, there are a lot of strange options in a world of magic. In reality people tend to be limited in their behaviour by what is possible rather than what is ‘proper’ -Particularly when it comes to war, so while the use of magical effects such as this may seem strange, it’d be strange to me if people hadn’t done this in the real world if it was possible 🙂
Well there is two characters I have not seen in a long while, granted their names escape me.
My bad make that three, and I still cannot recall their names.
Meg the gnome, Neptunia (or ‘Tuna’ for short) the sea monster and Venom the amazon steam knight 🙂
Thank you, I am pretty bad with names for some reason.
Me too! Especially irl. It’s not that I don’t care about people. I tend to remember all sorts of things about other people. What they like, what they don’t like, what they want to do with their lives etc. I’m just really bad at names XD The worst part is when you reach the point of ‘There’s no way I can ask you what your name is now’. Like you’ve seen the person a number of times or been socialising with them for a few hours and there’s just no way you can ask at this stage without seeming like a maniac XD
For some reason this concept reminds me of a “pseudo villain” I was toying around with for a campaign setting I was working on. I guess the whole living statue kind of thing the foe wall idea has with it. I call the guy a pseudo villain because what he was doing wasn’t technically evil or illegal, but was still one of those things that would have to check the laws to make sure. His whole thing was centered around how I discovered how a few spells would work together. The first step was to cast “animate object” onto a statue, and then “permanency” to make it stick. Then follow it up with “stone to flesh” which if cast on a non-living statue creates a corpse, which will end up a flesh golem instead due to animate object. Albeit a flesh golem indistinguishable from a normal person physically. If that sounds kind of creepy, well the character IS kind of a creepy guy. For the more elite members of his “staff” he would use the “awaken construct” spell to give them sapience, though the golem still has a strong tendency to obey their creator due to the spells. Of course all of these spells would normally be too cost prohibitive to cast regularly, unless you do what he did and create devices that cast the spells for you.
Woah-Sounds like an interesting concept! Frankenstien taken to the next level 🙂
Frankenstein upgraded would be a pretty good idea to take the character concept for a more horror/dark adventure idea. I guess reading this comic and similar media had me leaning more in another direction though. I was thinking more along the lines of having him be a creepier Hugh Hefner, alongside running the D&D equivalent to the Real Dolls company. Arguably that could an be even more disturbing plot line than Frankenstein depending on the party, and how the NPC is handled as a character.