New page! And on time! And I have another page well underway. I AM going to a 4 day D&D event in a few days though, so I sytill need to get my skates on still. No rest for the wicked 😉
New outfits for Yeshka and Midnight! Yeshka is a Ranger now 🙂 I probably shopuldn’t give my characters new costumes this often but it’s really fun to do 😀 I may start listing the references in my comic in the hover text. Sometimes there aren’t any, sometimes there are a few. Sometimes there are lots 🙂
Please back me on Patreon if you can! It makes a massive difference. More backing means more time to work on the comic! 😀
Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂
Not many people think about the benefits of fur or being warm blooded when you have it. Cold blooded things need to bundle up in all sorts of clothing if they wanna stay warm in cold places. I imagine Zeen would be freezing if it wasnt as warm as it was. Even still, poor guy might need to cover up at least every once in a while for the sake of warmth. Unless these kobolds are warm blooded, but I recall seeing something about kobolds being cold blooded somewhere.
I expect Kobolds are cold blooded. Would insulation benefit a cold blooded creature? Do they generate body heat? I suppose they must to some extent. I’m not sure how it works tbh 😀 Luckily Zeen is also a wizard so I expect he has some magical solutions up his sleeve (but not in his back pocket as he refuses to wear pants).
I love how modest Arjuna actually is.
Yes, well-She’s not a exhibitionist-She just has a tendency to get distracted and forget about her situation 😉