New page! Rath gets down to business-To make Sleak cum! Did they send her no sex, when she asked for some? (sung to the tune of ‘I’ll Make a Man Out of You’ from ‘Mulan’). I won’t spend too long on the sex scene as there is much to do-But it will reach a satisfactory conclusion! We’ll be getting back to the others soon. Having Rath battle his way through all the other denizens of this place would be fun but we gotta push the story forward. I may have a few panels of the highlights though ๐Ÿ™‚

New Rath based vote pic for the start of summer! This design is a new form that Rath may assume post training. A combination of his own bloodline and the Tanuki’s blessings. A bit leaner than his current form but even stronger and a lot faster. A big boost in power for his hard work ๐Ÿ™‚


A massive thank you to my Patrons! You guys let me keep doing this and Iโ€™m very grateful for it! If youโ€™d like to have a hand in backing this depravity then please follow the link below and sign up! 😀

Remember-Only YOU can prevent the descent into โ€˜one size fits allโ€™ grey sludge entertainment that everyone can consume but nobody really loves! Fight the power! Defy Disney! Unless the new film they make is good. Then watch it! Some of them are pretty good. Iโ€™m waffling. Iโ€™ll shut up now.

Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂




