New page! Rath captures Sleak! Why lay an enemy low with violence when you can lay them instead? A course that leads to new life, rather than only ruin and death. Just don’t do it too often, Rath-An adventurer may find a lot of treasure but childcare is expensive!
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Remember-Only YOU can prevent the descent into ‘one size fits all’ grey sludge entertainment that everyone can consume but nobody really loves! Fight the power! Defy Disney! Unless the new film they make is good. Then watch it! Some of them are pretty good. I’m waffling. I’ll shut up now.
Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂
Nice! now if Pokémon would just get the picture and go with this method of capturing those sexy critters
We all know what’s going on out there. No one says it, but they know XD
I cant believe i never saw this before it is totally awesome and so true!
Honestly, I love the impregnation content so far and can’t wait to see more in the future! I’m still confused if this is real or not considering that this is a game within a dream. Also, Rath has been transformed so many times to the point where I’m wondering if any of his offspring would be half-goblin or half-whatever he’s currently transformed into.
Thanks-I’m glad you like it 😀 It’s true about Rath. I guess he’s the hero with a thousand faces? He is on a hero’s journey 😉
It’s either real or it’s a dream, there’s nothing that is in between. So real, I suppose. Think of it as a pocket dimension 🙂 A twilight realm found between reality and the dreams of a god. When gods dream, reality may be altered. New beings or even worlds may be born.
Sleak . exe has stopped to work
Reload the program and datas ^_^
I would suggest we turn her off and on again, but at this stage if we turn her on any more she might explode XD
Depending on what kind of explosion we’re talking about that might just be another reason to go for that option XD.
Reminds me of the time I discovered a friend was using a naked picture of me as his phone unlock screen.
Wow, that took a dark turn in the last panel. So you’re basically saying that the strongest cards would have to be made from Rath’s closest friends, family, and otherwise loved ones, right? I am getting Uchiha vibes (i.e. from Naruto).
Or do only sexual bonds count?
Well-You should really be using these techniques instead of violence-So if you wouldn’t be behaving the way most adventurers or heroes do towards an opponent(in other words-killing them) towards that person then you probably shouldn’t be using defeat by modesty or capture techniques on them. It’s more an alternative to killing rather than something you should do to anyone you meet or know 🙂
It is possible to make a card from an ally, but it’s more about a bond of true love or comradship rather than capture through strength of arms or temptation through seduction and sexual pleasure. While the seduction technique tempts an oppoent into giving themselves up willingly it’s not the same as more long term relationships. I suppose then the cards made from close allies would be even stronger but they don’t have to be based around sex. They could be, but that’s not madatory. A card will vary greatly based on the way it was created and the nature of the card creator’s link with the subject.