New page! Strip poker incentive is complete! Please vote and pledge on Patreon if you can. Thanks a lot if you’re already a patron-you guys make a big difference to my ability to keep making comics 🙂
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New page! Strip poker incentive is complete! Please vote and pledge on Patreon if you can. Thanks a lot if you’re already a patron-you guys make a big difference to my ability to keep making comics 🙂
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oh boy
Yup-the dog doo is about to hit the fan :[
ok that’s disturbing.
And clearly he cheated there’s no way monopoly can be finished that fast.
Possibly. Maybe he threw the game on purpose to create this situation and get a chance at healing the Lapan-or maybe he got too into the game and forgot all about that (he is a bit of a duffer at times).
Something tells me that it will be all of them teaming up to subdue Yarost because even Ice Gnoll is going crap (her name escapes me at the moment).
Can’t give away any spoilers 😉