Phew-more character info done 🙂 Work continues on Ch5-page 3 is done and page 4 is getting there-should be done on with that on Monday. I think I’ll aim for early Feb for a start date. I was thinking about starting sooner, but I want to get a good vote image ready and have plenty of pages in reserve for a strong start so I think I’ll delay for a little bit longer 🙂

Let’s say Saturday the 30th of January for a start. New page + dungeon thief vote image. That’ll give me the time to get lots more pages finished and also do more cast info pages 🙂 I’ll also maybe get some adverting and see about getting dyscus set up on the official site (as well as more ‘stash’ images and fan art posting). This strong start in late January will be code named ‘Operation winter hat’. The password for meetings is ‘bacon’. There will be punch and pie*

A big THANK YOU! to all of my Patrons! You guys really help me to keep making BTB 🙂

If you’d like to help BTB to keep on truckin’ then become a Patron here! –

Please vote every day if you can and thanks for reading! 😀