New page! Zeen fights through the ratty horde but what can a low level mage with no proper magic available hope to do against a trio of wolfy warrior women? Annoy them? Well, it is Zeen-So that goes without saying. Will Zeen be able to hold out with his usual brand of kobold nonsense? Find out soon in BTB!


A massive thank you to my Patrons! You guys let me keep doing this and I’m very grateful for it! If you’d like to have a hand in backing this depravity then please follow the link below and sign up! 😀

Remember-Only YOU can prevent the descent into ‘one size fits all’ grey sludge entertainment that everyone can consume but nobody really loves! Fight the power! Defy Disney! Unless the new film they make is good. Then watch it! Some of them are pretty good. I’m waffling. I’ll shut up now.

Also-Please comment-I love hearing from my readers 🙂




